Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

This is a message to Brad and was suppose to be posted on SoE to see. But I changed my mind because I didn't want to have alot of members on SoE reacting and and going crazy. I just don't want to start breaking relationships with people on SoE. So I decided to post my message here, so Brad can check it himself. Let's hope no one creates a new account on SoE and post this message there.

Hey Brad,

We all have something in common, which is the perpetual quest for truth and love and understanding. We are all beings of light experiencing life and learning knowledge of who we are and the truth to move to a spiritual path and mastering evolution rather than reincarnating into a different human where most aspect of our personality does not align with the next reincarnation into a different human body, which allows us to experience life.

I see light and dark, but not really sure if the dark is really true in you. Your work is very inspiring and influencing. Your thoughtfulness and good intentions make you a good individual. But I am not sure if your teachings have some kind of cult. What you are about to read are my thoughts and my choice to speak my mind.

After viewing your old channel about the game Grayshot and Cloverfield, I thought of the reasons why you would trick your subscribers in a game in which people thought you were bound and determine to finish. But only to turn out to fulfill the goal of earning money. Your love for famous, and anything associated with money by manipulating the people into this is pretty much the root of evil. I don’t think it’s totally evil. Because you’ve earned money without causing trouble or death. I also had a different view and more inspiring one, and that was the music of Thousand Foot Krutch which was combine with some of your videos I’ve watched. After hearing many of their music, the lyrics really touched me, it made me imagine resisting against the evil forces and overcoming them by being united and strong. Much like the fiction movies such as Invasion, I am Legend, Doomsday and defeating the future threat like the movies. Shows that your need for certain type of attention often draws out a manipulative nature in you. But now you put your effort in motivating people in building this community in which many share the same path to ascension, and this least to me rewards you money.

Your lust for Miss Kerry has been importantly personal to you. It seems as if social life isn't important to you unless you gain something personally. There's nothing wrong about someone wanting one good thing happening to them, then why not embrace it with happiness instead of keeping it personal and safeguard what matters to you.

When someone makes a discussion about something bad about you, you become quite temper and respond with less than friendly answers. At times, when an argument gets thrown to you, you can be friendly, or completely break down and use your negativity to drag them down. Your retaliation to situations may leave other people at a depressed state. Although this tends to give you a warrior's image, you forget to be in the path of light through the commitment and dedication of unconditional love. If you fail to darker thoughts, you can be manipulative and hurtful. Always remember there are few problems that can't be solved with anger.

However, I do see love and light in you. Your best quality is your ability to sympathize with others. You listen to others problems and often are able to give advice. Your work has influence and woken many. I truly see your dedication for this community, and my respect goes to that. Deep down you do have light, like everyone.

Finding information about cults and you made me a little skeptic. But I’m still open to what ever enlightening or new ideas you add to SoE. We all have the means to change our ways, one that resonates to our nature and heart. Aside from all of this, I am working myself to a spiritual path.

You can't win war by arguments but you can clean in the light and love and then you will be able to win a war. Which war? The war with yourself, the war within, the war with the ego. My house is worth more than yours to my oil is better than yours to my land is better than yours - and the big one, my ideas are better than yours. And suddenly, you have WAR!

No people, the only war you need to fight is the inner turmoil created by your ego. It's the ego that concentrates on the neighbour or on the enemy or on the person who is soon to be your enemy.

Tags: brad, meassage, to


1 Comment

DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on February 24, 2009 at 5:11pm
Teddy, I already said this in chat, but this was beautifully written and from the heart. I hope your words are heard.

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