Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

So thinking of MagentaPixie’s reputation and considering the fact that Brad has interviewed MagentaPixie before all the things about Brad came out I decided to give her the heads up and show her exactly who she was dealing with. It was never my original intention to debunk or discredit her in any way shape or form. It was purely to open her eyes up and show her Brad Johnson for what he truly was. Unfortunately she inadvertently turned the tables on herself and exposed her true agenda.

What I sent on youtube:

The response back from MagentaPixie

Regarding this:
“I see nothing within that link that so much as suggests that Brad is neither honest nor nice let alone "irrefutable proof" - thankyou anyway :)”

There is a saying that says “Love is blind”. You’re such a clear demonstration of that here. How can you not see that Brads not being honest about what he’s doing? Theres 20+ sites here most of which appear to have been designed around adsense to make money out of page views and you cannot see Brad for what he truly is even with his venture at EOS? I guess you must be on his payroll for fame and celebrity status covering him up and justifying his actions every step of the way.

Regarding this:
”If I might respond to your second link, in which you pretend to be an Autistic person in order to get Brad's response.
My own son is Autistic he is twelve years old. I am well researched in both orthodox and alternative medicine regarding Autism. I cannot comment on the medication downloads Brad suggested because I have not seen them. However both "energy healing" and "Solfreggio sounds" can indeed help an Autistic person to the point of potential cure. Brad was doing his best to offer you help in his valuable time and yet the whole time you were pretending to be Autistic in order to trick him. And you called him a con artist? That is almost as funny as the name of your Ning site, but not quite.”

Neither you nor Brad has ever heard of the saying “assumption is the mother of all fuckups.” If you really were psychic or had the ability to read peoples energy you or Brad would have realized I WASN’T PRETENDING TO BE AUTISTIC. Yes MagentaPixie I suffer from High Functional Autism (and have doctor’s papers and medical papers documenting it). Way to go for debunking yourself and completely losing all your credibility. Of course you’ll justify it with all the typical new-age bullshit excuses like a mix-up/clash of energies ect.

As a matter of fact I recently went to my doctor regarding a medical letter for my new job (ICT Assistant Officer) which I’m currently awaiting a start date for and he said to me that he was basically willing to denounce me of Autism and say that I suffer from a very light case of Asperges Syndrome. The soul reason I have shed myself of the worst traits of Autism is purely due to the fact that my father dedicated his life to my development and ensured that I lived A STRUCTURED LIFESTYLE. No Binaural beats/solfeggio ascension frequencies, no behavior altering drugs, no medication NOTHING. Not even counseling. My doctor essentially went onto say that that’s the closest any person can ever come to a cure for Autism and he reiterated with me and my father that there is NO CURE for Autism period. Clearly considering the fact that you’d much rather lock your Autistic child away listening to fucking Solfeggio ascension frequencies or medicine which the many Autism research centers around the world know full well isn’t scientifically sound or doesn’t exist whilst you fantasize about channeling pretend entities really shows what kind of parent YOU are.

I’ve lived within the confines of my condition since birth so don’t you dare tell me that mind twisting Solfeggio ascension frequencies or medicines that don’t exist are a cure. Believe me such delusions like that WILL hold back the development of someone who has Autism. But hey I guess channeling fantasy entities and shoving behavior altering drugs down your child’s throat is way more important than dedicating quality time to the growth of your Autistic child. I guess the time, energy and sheer amount of patience needed to bring a child up who has Autism is far too much “baggage and negativity” for you to bare.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: THERE IS NO CURE FOR AUTISM.
Believe me Magenta I could carry on and end up writing the equivalent of “War and Peace” on how I’ve had to live with my condition I can assure you.

Regarding this:
As for your third link that clearly shows how Brad has tried seducing women online with his fake powers? I see only unconditional love and genuine contact with higher density coming from Brad. It seems you have got "seducing" and "healing" muddled up!!

So cheating on your wife is perfectly justifiable in the astral plains or in the world of New Age stuff in general? You know full well Brad had a wife at the time when this stuff was found and you justify this with Love, Light and Higher Density bullshit? If this is any indication then cheating on people in the Astral plains must be normal to you. What kind of fucking person would want to live in an unstable society like that………..
I ask you this Magenta. If you have a husband and you discovered he was doing exactly the same thing in the same manner fantasizing about having astral sex with other women online would you still justify it with Love and Light?

Regarding this:
Might I also make a suggestion? That you delete your new Ning website and put your energies into something that will not so clearly backfire on you.

You claim your psychic and yet you completely miss the fact that LeavingSOE is the creator of this Ning? Clearly……….. Perhaps you should consider the fact that being affiliated with this man who has been proven time and time again to be a fraud and charlaton will one day backfire on YOU.

In light of all this you’ve made it so clear you’re on his payroll for fame and celebrity status willing to cover up his actions and look the other way. Given the fact that you are clearly condoning this mans actions and are basically saying that everything he’s done is perfectly OK YOU ARE NO BETTER THAN HIM.

The members of the Psychic Knight Ning who immediately saw Brad for what he was when DuesEx gave them the heads up in the same manner that I have done for you have a level of love and respect for their spiritual beliefs that you and the diehard members of SOE can only dream of ever having.


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This was amazing work, James. I really have to hand it you for trying to reach out to Magenta Pixie and providing the evidence that is available on this site and on SOE. What's even worse is that she tried to turn it back on you and FAILED with her psychic "talents". I'd love to see a response to this post, but I am sure they will read it and ignore it as they can never refute the statements made. One has to wonder what exactly she is gaining from the relationship with Brad. I hope that it is for networking only and maybe one day she will see the light (pun intended).

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"Neither you nor Brad has ever heard of the saying “assumption is the mother of all fuckups.” If you really were psychic or had the ability to read peoples energy you or Brad would have realized I WASN’T PRETENDING TO BE AUTISTIC. Yes MagentaPixie I suffer from High Functional Autism (and have doctor’s papers and medical papers documenting it). Way to go for debunking yourself and completely losing all your credibility. Of course you’ll justify it with all the typical new-age bullshit excuses like a mix-up/clash of energies ect."

Quoting that just for the sheer awesomeness of it. It seems MP's psychic, clairvoyant, and channeling skills aren't doing much even for her, let alone anyone else. May I suggest a career in fortune cookie literature or perhaps a specialization in fecal augury?

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Excellent work James, I applaud you!

if anything this proves that it doesnt take a psychic to know someone is full of shit, as MP is.
All it takes is an intelligent person to connect the dots, and the truth shines through the bullshit then.

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One thing I find noteworthy is that James was very direct in his email. Nothing was sugar-coated. It was just honest and straight to the point. MP's reply, on the other hand, was full of, to quote SOE's Nightfable, "such harsh words smoothed in honey." In the process, she completely showed herself as a fraud. She and Brad make such a cute couple.... couple of charlatans.

MP, if your son really is autistic, how about asking James's father for some advice? Turns out James is a pretty fucking incredible human being and a good example of how far a parent's love and attention go to the improvement of their child's life. Maybe James's father could teach you a thing or two. Maybe Brad and Kerry could learn some lessons on what a parent REALLY looks like.

I just can't envision how vast the damage to MP's children, Brad's children, and Kerry's children must be. Thank goodness for parents like yours, James. That's a shining example of what a parent's love SHOULD look like.

James, thanks for all of this and everything you do for SOSOE.

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yah magenta pixie is a nobody who probably likes being with brad because she gets treated like some big shot.

She's just another sad lonely probably ugly old woman who wants to feel special... what the fuck does she mean there's no proof that Brad was clearly hitting on several woman inappropriately while he was married? i know shes not a psychic but is she fucking stupid?

I guess all the girls who have came forward with their concerns of feeling like Brad was coming on to them in an innapropriate way are all "evil and dark" I mean what fucking excuse does she have for all that and "unconditional love" dosent fucking cut it.

What a stupid bitch let magenta pixie bathe in her non fame with that asshole brad they're both just selfish egotistical and probably depressed pieces of shit that need to feel special cause its hard being a piece of shit

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Great work. I agree if magenta pixie is truly psychic, she would of known Brad better, but it was for the sake for herself and brad that she made a suggestion base on her fear of being discredit.

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Truly brilliant James. Reading this post you really see the batshit craziness of these people...MP refuses to acknowledge something so evident and opts to escalate the makebelieve and in essence make her position clear; An ally of Jewawan that will defend him and tidy up in the wake of his charlatanism.

Also James one of my personal heroes, Glenn Gould, had Asperger's Syndrome and he is a testament to the passion that is required to struggle and then thrive with this condition. REAL passion, focus and patience. Not split your eardrum space fucking frequencies from youtube videos looped and forcefed by some third-rate quack new age internetz non-star pseudovoyant mother too dumb to see her personality and belief system are all just a cruel and ironic joke courtesy of the Zeitgeist.


"Might I also make a suggestion? That you delete your new Ning website and put your energies into something that will not so clearly backfire on you."

This little threat/prediction kindly wrapped in a suggestion makes me so hawt and bothered, you don't even know.

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