Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

Take a read of that, of course we all know what happened with Miss Kerry but there is also the events with Nora which if needed I will find the info about that I can and post it here.

My question to you Tony is, how the fuck can you justify Brad going around picking up chicks in this particular way as anything but an absolutely unacceptable and sickening act that is predator like. Do you think perhaps that things like this may justify a certain "focus" being on Brad and what he does. Or do you think that it all dosen't matter, its all just in the past or its all just truthy loveness or its all just no big deal?

Lets start being focused on this particular act of Brad then go from there and we'll see how willing you are to have this SOE Admin discussion, good luck to you


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Replies to This Discussion

It does as much to me as it does to you?

They have and always will happen.

I don't see your point deusx. As for vaddix what else do you think should be done? What have you done in the matter with your account over there?

DeusEx said:
Do you not think they could have been prevented in some way? Doesn't matter to you does it? The numbers speak to you and say events like these are bound to happen.

Tony said:
wow you are seeing events which take place every day in real life only on a much larger scale. Take for example the 6000000 million divorces, and the millions of suicides, the hundreds of thousands of murders and rapes. So what is new Deux?

DeusEx said:
Looks like discernment is doing wonders for Vaddix because he clearly seems so happy with his life here on Earth and has no thoughts of returning to some promised alien homeworld where everything tastes like cotton candy.

Looks like discernment is doing wonders for Kerry. She stayed home with her kids and family and is happy with her life. She didn't send money from herself and her family for a money making scheme called EoS. She also didn't spend money on a gold chain from Argos or purchased a ticket to go across the world to meet her soulmate cult leader.

You're right, Tony. High vibrations....high vibrations...oh noz chemtrails....high vibrations....high vibrations ahhh everything is OK.

P.S. - Tony, about connecting the dots on things for me. I think I spend more than enough time trying to reach across to you and explain things so you can understand them. Perhaps you can try to do the same or you might seem snarky and I love it when people get snarky with me. See Twiddly for an example of that.

Reply to This

I was watching the site well, and Pies never "ranted" on SOE. He was banned for disagreeing. You would know that if Brad, you, and your admins had kept up your ban/explanation thread properly.

Tony said:
you really need help pies, but i will try again.

As for the rest of your reply. yes, you did. And you were able to do so because you didnt go into one of your usual rants which finally got you banned. I don't see what an account name has to do with it? a banned account is a banned account.

You say you are concerned about certain types of people, i say if that is so then create a new account and post the very question mentioned and take it from there within the rules. But you know you can't because you will end up having a rage at one of the members, that which got you banned in the first place.

ilikepies said:
me create a group and try to help people? what on SOE I CANT YOU BANNED ME IDIOT
I did try to help people on there when I could, if you remember, I would often advise people not to rely on their fantasies and happy feelings but to figure out what they want to do and actually do the work and make the sacrifices and realize that if they want to be happy they need something to be happy in this life. I'd create a group here but I don't think the people on this site are the problem, its the one's on SOE and I can't do anything about that because I cant even view the front page of that site anymore... so what the hell are you talking about, my idea of these people as depressed morons looking for an escape is as ridiculous as all my other ideas because I'm not creating a group for them because you banned me?
you suck at this tony

Tony said:
see what you get when i dont answer line for line, your idea on what is fostered there is as ridiculous as all your other ideas. Create an account asking that very question "who like me is here because they are depressed about their life and looking for an escape". Then create a group and invite all those people to it and try and help them.

ilikepies said:
while i do think that the larger issue of how SOE fosters people depressed about their lives looking for an escape is an important one it seems once again Tony that you are desperately latch on to anything that you can actually manage to come up with arguments for. I wonder if you ever got around to reading my reply on here where I talked about the faults of picking out specific lines for you to argue against. It seems you are arguing over the small details of one persons post and whether there was enough "support" or not and yaddie yadda where I think with a lot of us we're talking about a bigger kind of idea. please look back on this thread and read again my post where I describe the faults in arguing in such a way, if you ever want to ACTUALLY join this discussion and deal with the big ideas of what we're talking about feel free but It seems your happy to stick around like some annoying douchebag picking your small battles that you can win and coming up with whatever replies to shut down whatever sentences you can think of points against as if you think that somehow makes you look like your participating in this discussion and not being a giant pathetic cult apologist douchebag which you very much are


Tony's reply:
"and coming up with whatever replies to shut down whatever sentences you can think of points against"
-- actually mainly I reply to a few sentences and not just one, all heil mein fuhrer brad!


Reply to This

Tony said:
For your information James all members who went through me (i didnt click all your links) and were unbanned. In fact DOC is stil a member as is i-dom. When they were unbanned it was made clear that it was under the provision that they abide by the rules.

james_uk said:
In regards to what pies said. I should add that in the past Brad has banned people that shared views that conflicted his own interests. This is no different than what he's done as SOE.

Hell you've only got to look at the contents of this one link to see that people saw the asshole that Brad was back then.

I stopped reading at "(i didnt click all your links)". Why did'nt you click on the links provided? Is it because by any chance you dont want to run the risk of being exposed to the cold hard unadulterated truth of the person your managing the community for?

Reply to This

He was banned following a rant in chat. I saw the chat after he was banned.

LeavingSOE said:
I was watching the site well, and Pies never "ranted" on SOE. He was banned for disagreeing. You would know that if Brad, you, and your admins had kept up your ban/explanation thread properly.

Tony said:
you really need help pies, but i will try again.

As for the rest of your reply. yes, you did. And you were able to do so because you didnt go into one of your usual rants which finally got you banned. I don't see what an account name has to do with it? a banned account is a banned account.

You say you are concerned about certain types of people, i say if that is so then create a new account and post the very question mentioned and take it from there within the rules. But you know you can't because you will end up having a rage at one of the members, that which got you banned in the first place.

ilikepies said:
me create a group and try to help people? what on SOE I CANT YOU BANNED ME IDIOT
I did try to help people on there when I could, if you remember, I would often advise people not to rely on their fantasies and happy feelings but to figure out what they want to do and actually do the work and make the sacrifices and realize that if they want to be happy they need something to be happy in this life. I'd create a group here but I don't think the people on this site are the problem, its the one's on SOE and I can't do anything about that because I cant even view the front page of that site anymore... so what the hell are you talking about, my idea of these people as depressed morons looking for an escape is as ridiculous as all my other ideas because I'm not creating a group for them because you banned me?
you suck at this tony

Tony said:
see what you get when i dont answer line for line, your idea on what is fostered there is as ridiculous as all your other ideas. Create an account asking that very question "who like me is here because they are depressed about their life and looking for an escape". Then create a group and invite all those people to it and try and help them.

ilikepies said:
while i do think that the larger issue of how SOE fosters people depressed about their lives looking for an escape is an important one it seems once again Tony that you are desperately latch on to anything that you can actually manage to come up with arguments for. I wonder if you ever got around to reading my reply on here where I talked about the faults of picking out specific lines for you to argue against. It seems you are arguing over the small details of one persons post and whether there was enough "support" or not and yaddie yadda where I think with a lot of us we're talking about a bigger kind of idea. please look back on this thread and read again my post where I describe the faults in arguing in such a way, if you ever want to ACTUALLY join this discussion and deal with the big ideas of what we're talking about feel free but It seems your happy to stick around like some annoying douchebag picking your small battles that you can win and coming up with whatever replies to shut down whatever sentences you can think of points against as if you think that somehow makes you look like your participating in this discussion and not being a giant pathetic cult apologist douchebag which you very much are


Tony's reply:
"and coming up with whatever replies to shut down whatever sentences you can think of points against"
-- actually mainly I reply to a few sentences and not just one, all heil mein fuhrer brad!


Reply to This

have you seen the number of replies here?

on top of that a quick switch to soe and the last mail heading i read was "have you seen my mail yet". So sorry James i just dont have all the time to read them just yet.

james_uk said:
Tony said:
For your information James all members who went through me (i didnt click all your links) and were unbanned. In fact DOC is stil a member as is i-dom. When they were unbanned it was made clear that it was under the provision that they abide by the rules.

james_uk said:
In regards to what pies said. I should add that in the past Brad has banned people that shared views that conflicted his own interests. This is no different than what he's done as SOE.

Hell you've only got to look at the contents of this one link to see that people saw the asshole that Brad was back then.

I stopped reading at "(i didnt click all your links)". Why did'nt you click on the links provided? Is it because by any chance you dont want to run the risk of being exposed to the cold hard unadulterated truth of the person your managing the community for?

Reply to This

lol, yah but which time? I was banned and unbanned like 10 seperate times. but seriously for fuck sakes just forget about me like seriously fine I was banned for only spewing anti semitic devil worshipping shit FINE i'll give you that take it it dosent change the fact that many many other people have been banned and silenced for SPEAKING THEIR OPINION, opinions that might halt brads selfish desires for fame and new age whores

Tony said:
He was banned following a rant in chat. I saw the chat after he was banned.

Reply to This

Oh and if you INSIST on only sticking with me as the only example of anyone who has ever been banned because your too stupid and scared to deal with the larger picture then I'll just say this. I honestly can't remember alll the specific reasons that led to my banishment each time. If the rant your referring to is when I confronted brad about leading a meditation against the dark spirits in his wife (ex wife now.....) then thank you for bringing up one of my proudest moments, where I stood up for this poor family Brad was probably already thinking about abandoning. I can remember the first and last times I was banned though...The first time I was banned for nothing, just saying hi and saying that I was a skeptic...actually that happened 3 times in a row, the last time I was banned I was banned for nothing, just having the neighborhoodskeptic name in an account that had yet to post a single thing on SOE, and I didn't even plan to, but I was banned, for nothing. I can think of one time where I openly attacked brad and said he was a dickshit and he banned me and said "banned for unnaceptable blog comment" so there's one more example of me "ranting" or what have you and like I said that was after I had comments deleted where I was only stating and defending my opinion. If this isn't enough to make you fucking leave the sole example of me behind and attempt to get your caveman brain to deal with the larger issue of the dictatorship that SOE has become then someone needs to take you behind a shed and shoot you cause your broken

ilikepies said:
lol, yah but which time? I was banned and unbanned like 10 seperate times. but seriously for fuck sakes just forget about me like seriously fine I was banned for only spewing anti semitic devil worshipping shit FINE i'll give you that take it it dosent change the fact that many many other people have been banned and silenced for SPEAKING THEIR OPINION, opinions that might halt brads selfish desires for fame and new age whores

Tony said:
He was banned following a rant in chat. I saw the chat after he was banned.

Reply to This

Tony said:
have you seen the number of replies here?

on top of that a quick switch to soe and the last mail heading i read was "have you seen my mail yet". So sorry James i just dont have all the time to read them just yet.

james_uk said:
Tony said:
For your information James all members who went through me (i didnt click all your links) and were unbanned. In fact DOC is stil a member as is i-dom. When they were unbanned it was made clear that it was under the provision that they abide by the rules.

james_uk said:
In regards to what pies said. I should add that in the past Brad has banned people that shared views that conflicted his own interests. This is no different than what he's done as SOE.

Hell you've only got to look at the contents of this one link to see that people saw the asshole that Brad was back then.

I stopped reading at "(i didnt click all your links)". Why did'nt you click on the links provided? Is it because by any chance you dont want to run the risk of being exposed to the cold hard unadulterated truth of the person your managing the community for?

Ok well in any case when you do please just give a straight to the point opinion free of any sidestepping around the core issues so we can have an opinion on the unjust censoring that Brad has clearly exhibited in said links. Thanks. As before NO sidestepping this time around please. With said links there really is only one conclusion that one can come to.

Reply to This

Sorry pies, i can't agree with you there. Again it's not what you say it is how you say it.

ilikepies said:
lol, yah but which time? I was banned and unbanned like 10 seperate times. but seriously for fuck sakes just forget about me like seriously fine I was banned for only spewing anti semitic devil worshipping shit FINE i'll give you that take it it dosent change the fact that many many other people have been banned and silenced for SPEAKING THEIR OPINION, opinions that might halt brads selfish desires for fame and new age whores

Tony said:
He was banned following a rant in chat. I saw the chat after he was banned.

Reply to This

As i see it there is no dictatorship. Wouldnt Dom have already been banned or Doc? Although i do miss Dom havent seen him here or there or on his private mail. Hope all is ok with him.

I guess we will always differ on this point. Depending on the "violation" some personal attacks only lead to the removal of the post and a mail warning to take personal matters offline with/without admin mediation. I have an an example if that isnt believed. Only the massive personal attacks lead to a direct ban. And i can only reiterate, there are plenty of posts which state they don't believe a thing in the channeling and thats ok it comes down to how it is put and their is no need to get personal it's as simpel as that.

ilikepies said:
Oh and if you INSIST on only sticking with me as the only example of anyone who has ever been banned because your too stupid and scared to deal with the larger picture then I'll just say this. I honestly can't remember alll the specific reasons that led to my banishment each time. If the rant your referring to is when I confronted brad about leading a meditation against the dark spirits in his wife (ex wife now.....) then thank you for bringing up one of my proudest moments, where I stood up for this poor family Brad was probably already thinking about abandoning. I can remember the first and last times I was banned though...The first time I was banned for nothing, just saying hi and saying that I was a skeptic...actually that happened 3 times in a row, the last time I was banned I was banned for nothing, just having the neighborhoodskeptic name in an account that had yet to post a single thing on SOE, and I didn't even plan to, but I was banned, for nothing. I can think of one time where I openly attacked brad and said he was a dickshit and he banned me and said "banned for unnaceptable blog comment" so there's one more example of me "ranting" or what have you and like I said that was after I had comments deleted where I was only stating and defending my opinion. If this isn't enough to make you fucking leave the sole example of me behind and attempt to get your caveman brain to deal with the larger issue of the dictatorship that SOE has become then someone needs to take you behind a shed and shoot you cause your broken

ilikepies said:
lol, yah but which time? I was banned and unbanned like 10 seperate times. but seriously for fuck sakes just forget about me like seriously fine I was banned for only spewing anti semitic devil worshipping shit FINE i'll give you that take it it dosent change the fact that many many other people have been banned and silenced for SPEAKING THEIR OPINION, opinions that might halt brads selfish desires for fame and new age whores

Tony said:
He was banned following a rant in chat. I saw the chat after he was banned.

Reply to This

so what your saying I'm making it up when I say I was banned the last time for posting nothing? You think I'm making it up that people were banned for postings they made on here? You think I'm making it up that there are so many other people who have been banned for stating your opinion even though the odd person gets by with saying "I dont believe in channeling doodeeladoo" Your fucking delusional man for christ sakes your sites a fucking private invitation only secretive cult now where people are banned for POSTING NOTHING.
god your annoying

Tony said:
As i see it there is no dictatorship. Wouldnt Dom have already been banned or Doc? Although i do miss Dom havent seen him here or there or on his private mail. Hope all is ok with him.

I guess we will always differ on this point. Depending on the "violation" some personal attacks only lead to the removal of the post and a mail warning to take personal matters offline with/without admin mediation. I have an an example if that isnt believed. Only the massive personal attacks lead to a direct ban. And i can only reiterate, there are plenty of posts which state they don't believe a thing in the channeling and thats ok it comes down to how it is put and their is no need to get personal it's as simpel as that.

ilikepies said:
Oh and if you INSIST on only sticking with me as the only example of anyone who has ever been banned because your too stupid and scared to deal with the larger picture then I'll just say this. I honestly can't remember alll the specific reasons that led to my banishment each time. If the rant your referring to is when I confronted brad about leading a meditation against the dark spirits in his wife (ex wife now.....) then thank you for bringing up one of my proudest moments, where I stood up for this poor family Brad was probably already thinking about abandoning. I can remember the first and last times I was banned though...The first time I was banned for nothing, just saying hi and saying that I was a skeptic...actually that happened 3 times in a row, the last time I was banned I was banned for nothing, just having the neighborhoodskeptic name in an account that had yet to post a single thing on SOE, and I didn't even plan to, but I was banned, for nothing. I can think of one time where I openly attacked brad and said he was a dickshit and he banned me and said "banned for unnaceptable blog comment" so there's one more example of me "ranting" or what have you and like I said that was after I had comments deleted where I was only stating and defending my opinion. If this isn't enough to make you fucking leave the sole example of me behind and attempt to get your caveman brain to deal with the larger issue of the dictatorship that SOE has become then someone needs to take you behind a shed and shoot you cause your broken

ilikepies said:
lol, yah but which time? I was banned and unbanned like 10 seperate times. but seriously for fuck sakes just forget about me like seriously fine I was banned for only spewing anti semitic devil worshipping shit FINE i'll give you that take it it dosent change the fact that many many other people have been banned and silenced for SPEAKING THEIR OPINION, opinions that might halt brads selfish desires for fame and new age whores

Tony said:
He was banned following a rant in chat. I saw the chat after he was banned.

Reply to This

For now, without even looking at the links I will fully believe that Brad cencored posts on those links. I am sure many site owners censor posts. I can't be interested in what Brad did outside of SOE, i didnt know him then. Since being an administrator at soe i have had several issues taken up with brad and all brought to a mutualy acceptable solution. The unbanning of NSI members for example. Leaving the banning to admins a second one. and many many more. The only last incident i recall where brad deleted a post was when i wasnt on top of a post where members (some no older than 36 or less hrs) began openly attacking each other, brad in that instance sent a message to the admins stating he had deleted the post as there was no admin around at the time.

james_uk said:
Tony said:
have you seen the number of replies here?

on top of that a quick switch to soe and the last mail heading i read was "have you seen my mail yet". So sorry James i just dont have all the time to read them just yet.

james_uk said:
Tony said:
For your information James all members who went through me (i didnt click all your links) and were unbanned. In fact DOC is stil a member as is i-dom. When they were unbanned it was made clear that it was under the provision that they abide by the rules.

james_uk said:
In regards to what pies said. I should add that in the past Brad has banned people that shared views that conflicted his own interests. This is no different than what he's done as SOE.

Hell you've only got to look at the contents of this one link to see that people saw the asshole that Brad was back then.

I stopped reading at "(i didnt click all your links)". Why did'nt you click on the links provided? Is it because by any chance you dont want to run the risk of being exposed to the cold hard unadulterated truth of the person your managing the community for?

Ok well in any case when you do please just give a straight to the point opinion free of any sidestepping around the core issues so we can have an opinion on the unjust censoring that Brad has clearly exhibited in said links. Thanks. As before NO sidestepping this time around please. With said links there really is only one conclusion that one can come to.

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