Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

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  • Melbourne
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PrincessHeart's Page

I'll be back in about 6 weeks. ilu still ;p

Latest Activity

Really awesome recap Ben, summarises the site and the story so far well. Tony is still talking shit btw, since I and everyone here got banned around March/April (?) and then had our accounts reactivated when Brad became awakened and enlightened a...
on Friday
I get this all the time. It started kind of late in life, like 16-17 and happens regularly since then. Alot of the time it's just like that, not being able to move-the body still asleep but you're conscious, but I also feel like I know exactly why...
July 21
LOL, many thanks to the lightworkers, they bring constant reassurance about the important things in life :p
July 1
Daaamn... I know some of you guys are upset, but here's a superior version. I couldn't really find this shocking at all. In fact the whole post had me rofling. This tackiness is predominant through New ...
June 28
Thank ya. I actually saw it all, just didn't get a chance to post. and I could hardly tell what was relevant since Tony was posting, you know, on his account here..... that he has. I don't really want to worry about it anymore because I know tha...
May 25
Who the hell are they? That's crazy. A little extreme. Totally not surprised by Tony's priorities though.
May 24
Does that mean I missed his group? :( I'd still like to know why I was banned. But lol I know there's no answer. DeusEx said:Noticed you deleted your account here, Tony. Whoopsie!
May 24
Shouldn't you know that? Stephen said:So does anyone know if Kerry has indeed left? Steve DeusEx said:Haha, I love that video! Sequel? :P Jayden said:You forgot the modem handshake sound while connecting... ;) LOL DeusEx said:August 2009 UK I...
May 24
May 20
That sounds like a sweet article :p Sometimes I wish I had the drive to document what I've seen XD I've been lurking internet cults since my friend introduced me to furries in around 2000... dunno why it's so fascinating.. I guess it's amazing wha...
May 14
I had lots of material for this in my old SOE posts.. but just checked, and I've been banhammer'd. Without even having been active there for months. I don't feel like typing it all up again. Sorry I didn't get it all at the start of this topic! It...
May 1
PrincessHeart and LeavingSOE are now friends
April 30

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At 10:37pm on April 17, 2009, DeusEx said…
You better be back in 6 weeks or else I'm coming after you :P
At 8:55pm on February 13, 2009, iDom said…
I'm really glad you're here :)
At 12:29am on February 10, 2009, LeavingSOE said…
Welcome to SoSoE, PrincessHeart. Glad to see you here! :)


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