From the voluminous shelves of the National Archives, here are vintage Swine Flu PSAs from 1976. For those who don't remember the great swine flu scare.
Thats a pretty damn long incubation period 33 years
81 dead in Mexico as flu emergency goes global
Mexican officials are asking residents to refrain from kissing as a greeting and maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from each other amid concern over swine flu infection. Eighty-one deaths in Mexico are "likely linked" to the virus. In the U.S., 11 swine flu cases have been confirmed; and in New Zealand, 22 students and three teachers who traveled to Mexico may have been infected
http://… Continue
Added by candylily on April 26, 2009 at 1:12pm —
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It probably is brad johnson(or at least one of his brainwashed drones)
link leads to:
oh my as if though it couldnt get more obvious that "WTF" is he… Continue
Martial Law Lockdown Exercise in Seward, Alaska?
Kurt Nimmo
April 23, 2009
A caller into the Alex Jones Show today provided details about a possible Department of Homeland Security drill at the end of this month in Seward, Alaska, the seventh most lucrative fisheries port in the United States.
Barbara, from Seward, Alaska, calls into the Alex Jones Show.
The caller, identifying herself as “Barbara,” said she… Continue
I want to post more but I doubt I'm going to have a lot of time.
Sorry about that.
I'm Lyrian.
And I was there.
Which means if you spout a lot of trype about what you think happened I'm going to start feeling sarcastic.
That's all you need to know.
And yes.
It was me.
I made the bird flu.
I want to kill that bastard Big Bird so damn badly, I just couldn't help myself. Continue
Today, I received a message from Brad Johnson at 9:41 PM GMT on 13 Apr 2009.
Subject: What is required from you
Brad Johnson has sent you a message on Saviors of Earth
As we are cracking down on any form of conflict/anti-duality, etc, and so the following needs to be removed in regards to your membership here:
- All SoSoE links on your page need to be removed as this is branded as a hate site towards SoE, meaning no reference of it whatsoever can be displayed, and it is p… Continue
I was looking around for a good reference on cold reading skills to enhance my reading abilities in poker and found this document which seems to cover all the major aspects of the craft. When you're sitting at a poker table a major part of the game is all about reading what your opponents are broadcasting with their table talk, betting patterns and general play.
Another large part of the game is all about what you broadcast out to them; To novice players it might seem strange that betting patte… Continue
Added by Tab on April 12, 2009 at 1:00pm —
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The Obama Administration and the new Congress are being called upon to address 21st Century climate realities. In a carbon-constrained world, a permanent and increasing U.S. carbon tax is essential to reduce the emissions that are driving global warming.
The real reason
The Great Global Warming Swindle Continue
Added by candylily on April 11, 2009 at 11:25pm —
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Organic Portals – The “Other” Race Part I
One of the more difficult concepts discussed on this site is the concept of the Organic Portal. We have received hate mail over the years, primarily from mainstream religious types and new age believers, but we get even MORE letters from people who nearly shout in relief at finally having something of an explanation for things they have observed all their lives. What seems to cause offence is the concept that there may be more than one type of human. Le… Continue
Kurt Nimmo
April 8, 2009
Obama’s White House insists the Anointed One did not bow and scrape before the decrepit King of Saudi Arabia, Abdullah, even though the disgusting instance of mandatory deference was captured on video. “It wasn’t a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he’s taller than King Abdullah,” insisted an Obama aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Positive proof Obama bo… Continue
For people who may not be aware there are reports of a conficker virus or worm set to awaken and seriously cause a havok on millions of pcs on April 1st 2009. The 1st of April will be when it becomes active and spread worldwide.
Anyone out there making any bets as to whether this will be real or a scaremongering hoax?
… Continue
(CBS) A couple of thousand years ago we British were invaded by some extremely civilized conquerors - the Romans. They built our roads, our cities - like Londinium, and left us - after several hundred years - with a rich sense of culture and a great deal of their own language.
In fact using Latin phrases is still the, er, 'status quo'. There are hundreds of, er, 'bona fide' English sayings which owe everything to Julius Caesar and his legions.
But now the use of Latin is to… Continue
It did not surprise me that SOE deleted my blog
I have been posting here for a while never once did my blogs got deleted I speak my truth on Brad and all hell breaks loose. I see this behavior immature and arrogant. Just because we all don't see what I SEE shouldn't give anyone the right to censor ones freedom of speech. Exposing the truth is where we all grow morally, spiritually and intellectually. Covering it only del… Continue