Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

All Blog Posts (130)

candylily B4r it gets deleted

heres the link A message to Brad I just think how can people be so gullible to fall for the things you say and do? I mean when i saw you "channel" the first thing that came to mind was "bad acting". The fact that you just keep airing your dirty laundry and say that what you are doing is for your personal spiritual growth is proof of the falseness you have within. Those who keep buying into this are new on SOS or just in need of p… Continue

Added by candylily on March 30, 2009 at 9:30am — 9 Comments

candylily Mandatory Service Bill Lives On

Mandatory Service Bill Lives On Infowars March 29, 2009 It seemed like a victory, of sorts. Last week the Senate approved a bill to radically expand the AmeriCorps program. The bill initially contained language that proposed a study for mandatory service for all young people in the United States, but this language was removed as the bill moved through the Senate and did not appear in the final version. Well, it’s baaaaaaack. The language was stripped from one bill, but it suddenly appeared in… Continue

Added by candylily on March 29, 2009 at 7:37pm — 3 Comments

candylily The Great Global Warming Swindle Continue

Added by candylily on March 28, 2009 at 3:20pm — 1 Comment

candylily The Destiny of the Unites States if we don't wake up


Added by candylily on March 27, 2009 at 5:33pm — No Comments

iDom 21st Century Douchebag Awards Now Online

I was asked to design a logo for the Intergalactic ceremony that held the breath of gazillions souls accross the universe. Now the blasting result has a site of its own: intergalactic douchebag awardContinue

Added by iDom on March 26, 2009 at 4:02pm — 4 Comments

candylily people who make fake channelings and fake blogs

Psychotic delusional and attention whores, just a few names that come to mind when speaking about people who use spirituality in order to compensate for their empty and shallow self. I have seen this so many time in SOE and Yes people you know who you are . They go from website to website preaching their so called wisdom and spiritual enlightenment and all this knowledge from everything to anything. Blogging their fake bs and even using their personal life and even their childr… Continue

Added by candylily on March 26, 2009 at 8:30am — 5 Comments

dave147doh r.e to miss kerrys comment on facebook

kerry facebook.jpg ^ ^ this is what miss kerry posted on her facebook i did post this on SoE but something tells me it will be deleted, so i posted it on here aswell. i am putting this post up beause you think kerry is a loving person, so i thought i would put her facebook post up, so you can see her true colours and why she is so suited to b… Continue

Added by dave147doh on March 26, 2009 at 6:50am — 86 Comments

DeusEx A message to (SOE) Tony - Take two

Tony, you removed all rules on SOE and replaced it wihe the rather vague one, "The underlying rule of SOE is unconditional love". I would like an explanation of why the rule that I proposed and was voted for by members of SOE was removed. This is a slap in the face of all SOE members. One of the few times members came together to put something in place to protect each other and it has been removed. For what reason? I can see removing the rules added by Brad, the creator, but this was voted into… Continue

Added by DeusEx on March 25, 2009 at 11:00pm — No Comments

james_uk The hallowed censorship of SOE

Ok so here we have LeavingSOE asking a perfectly rational question as to why his post was deleted. Was'nt being at all funny or sarcastic whatsoever. He's then accused by Trudy of being a trouble maker.


Added by james_uk on March 25, 2009 at 4:00pm — 3 Comments

iDom "Dropping the Baggage" — An Interesting Ending!

We all knew that thread Brad started. It was deleted today after a couple of comments were posted last night… But for the sake of it, here you go, people… Clover41 added a comment that was immediately censored… and things went up whoosh! lol I thought about adding a nice arabic sentence to thank Trudy, but the thread was gone before I do…


Added by iDom on March 24, 2009 at 12:15pm — 6 Comments

iDom A Following On Avan's Blog on SoE

Right after Avan/Serenitywhisper posted her blog on SoE, Andy reposted her message with his comment. Andy had disabled comments on his blogspot, so I created another one and commented to him. Obviously the whole thing is now deleted. But then, for the sake of clarity… Here we go!


Added by iDom on March 24, 2009 at 11:57am — 6 Comments

iDom Original AVAN's Blog post on SoE


Added by iDom on March 24, 2009 at 11:46am — 2 Comments

Serenitywhisper A Blog That I posted on the other site, I'm sure they'll take it down though!

I'll skip the nice stuff and head for what we're all not talking about here! Posted by Avan on March 24, 2009 at 5:07am View My Blog Admin Options Edit Post Add Tags Delete Post Manage Blog Ok, so I know this is Brad's site and all and I risk running a ban, that's fine. It's time to cut the crap though. You can agree with me or not, personally I don't care. I think Brad is very troubled, mixed up, and very confused. I also think he has the potential to mislead others. I'm putting it out there. Y… Continue

Added by Serenitywhisper on March 24, 2009 at 6:20am — 25 Comments

DeusEx Here's where to look to find the best looking people in Canada

Here's where to look to find the best looking people in Canada
We're sure the women who come from Eyebrow, Sask. have great personalities. And the men of Baldy Hughes and Blubber Bay, B.C., would make for good "just friends" material. But look around your own office and ask, where do most of the country's hottest people live? Is there one spot that's burdened

Added by DeusEx on March 23, 2009 at 3:04pm — 4 Comments

Tab Some refreshing stuff from the Onion

and and Continue

Added by Tab on March 20, 2009 at 3:07pm — 1 Comment

teddycool Strange Dream

I thought of keeping this moment to myself as a personal thing. but this moment was so strange I just feel the need to share it regardless of how nonsense or childish it may be. It was not long ago when I thought to myself that I wanted to experience lucid dreaming to experience the possibilities, and since thought is a tool of manifestation and operates in the present. I had many thoughts of past life times and moments, and how it would be a pleasure to experience and relive them. It surprising… Continue

Added by teddycool on March 15, 2009 at 9:02pm — 3 Comments

candylily look what AOL decided to write about Conspiracists Push 'Bilderberger' Theory The latest one contends that many top officials in Obama's administration are involved in a clandestine global cabal bent on creating a one-world government that supersedes the United States. For decades, conspiracy theorists have viewed the Bilderberg group, an international organization made up of political, financial, academic and military heavyweights that comes together annually to discuss… Continue

Added by candylily on March 15, 2009 at 1:46pm — No Comments

candylily End the Fed; The System Itself Caused the Collapse

Tone Obama isn't an agent of any positive change I can see so far. He is not doing anything about root of the problem, the Federal Reserve, our central bank and quasi-governmental institution that creates prints our fiat dollar. In fact used the word "lending" eight times in his speech the other day. He says we need to re-start lending confidence to jump start the economy. Hes with the old paradig… Continue

Added by candylily on March 15, 2009 at 4:45am — No Comments

candylily ET Disclosure issue & on C2C AM

A Coast to Coast AM program that was canceled a few weeks ago do to mysterious power outage 30 seconds before airtime has been rescheduled for Sunday Night. George Knapp interviews Michael Salla on ET Policy and exposing the cover up of the Extraterrestrial Presence. This topic supersedes all other topics because it has the most effect on our society as a whole. In fact, the only way the President can redeem himself as an agent of true change would be to back the disclosure of the Extraterrestr… Continue

Added by candylily on March 14, 2009 at 6:32pm — 2 Comments


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