Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

All Blog Posts (130)

H.R. Pufnstuf First day of the beginning of my new life. My goodbye.

Hi everyone, I did a lot of thinking yesterday after Brad attacked me for being a member of member of Saviors of Saviors of Earth. This whole week has been really bad for me ever since I called my friend to check up on the two people that said they were going to ascend. Then I found out about SOE being a cult and other stuff. After I posted about it, I started getting lots of hate emails from people. People I loved and respected. Even with all that, I wanted to stay and show everybody that I di… Continue

Added by H.R. Pufnstuf on February 13, 2009 at 1:48pm — 2 Comments

Apocolypstick Shenanigans

BRAD AND MISS KERRY AT IT AGAIN. 02/13 16:39:27 Miss Kerry: i am u lol 02/13 16:39:30 brad: yup 02/13 16:39:31 brad: lol 02/13 16:39:54 brad: so any changes from the water meditation? Any new stuff to report? LOL 02/13 16:40:56 Miss Kerry: no not really, cos i had a bad day yesterday so didnt really do much of anything 02/13 16:41:07 brad: oh cuz of the fight with dave right? 02/13 16:41:17 brad: was it because he felt you were hiding stuff or? 02/13 16:42:24 Miss Kerry: abit but just stress t… Continue

Added by Apocolypstick on February 13, 2009 at 12:30am — 8 Comments

LeavingSOE I should be ashamed of myself...

Brad Johnson has sent you a message on Saviors of Saviors of Earth I have to admit, I'm asbsolutely disgusted by this and if you do not take this down, I will take action against you. This is completely unacceptable. You guys don't agree with what I have experienced or stated on a spiritual level, then fine. But your members go and post crap like this, it is unacceptable. So, I would like this taken down in 24 hours time, i… Continue

Added by LeavingSOE on February 12, 2009 at 11:02pm — 2 Comments

DannyBoy Hot Astral Sex

Hah, made you look, but for real Brad and Kerry scrubbed their profiles clean of their infidelity. DannyBoy's got you covered though:


Added by DannyBoy on February 11, 2009 at 11:30pm — 49 Comments

Ben "Further reading"

We chatted about Blossom’s October 14th channeling earlier and I brought up that people like her and predictions like that aren’t new. I stated some dates and was asked where I got them from. Well, the last couple of days I have been reading the articles and comments on Some of the blogs there, especially older ones to which Brad Johnson himself replied, made my jaw drop. To use a Brad-ism: I resonated with it. I already asked Dom -found the link to… Continue

Added by Ben on February 11, 2009 at 10:30pm — 1 Comment

Ben Open letter to H.R. Pufnstuf

Dear Puf, I hope and pray you will not fall for this: What Brad continuously fails to get through his thick skull is that no-one here is suggesting or has suggested that he promotes suicide; what we have said is that there is reason to believe that some less stable members of the SOE community might see it as a means to ascend and that Brad should start to acknowledge the… Continue

Added by Ben on February 9, 2009 at 11:30pm — 2 Comments

Choshu my memories

I remember living in a ivory tower castle place. I think it was gold or silver trimmed? Living there was one of my first memories. In that memory I was 5 yrs old when we were attacked and a servent let them in. I was put in a little hidey hole place and was there was a few days before having the courage to run away. Found a swamp lady and she raised me before sending me to this preistess place. From there I ended up being the next in line to take over the place but something happeend and I ended… Continue

Added by Choshu on February 9, 2009 at 9:42pm — 2 Comments

Ben I need your help

Begin transmission: Dear everyone, I hate to do this but I need your help. I asked the cosmos for financial assistance but they have yet to be forthcoming with anonymous checks in my mailbox. Therefore, I turn to you, my earthbound brothers and sisters. Earlier tonight, the creator of this community made me laugh Coca Cola all over my computer screen while goofing around on chat. I hereby ask you to open your hearts and wallets so I can purchase replacement parts. Those who donate $500 or mor… Continue

Added by Ben on February 9, 2009 at 4:30pm — 8 Comments

HLT Astral Fornicators ?

02/08 09:02:56 'Miss Kerry' has joined the chat. 02/08 09:03:14 Miss Kerry: hmmm lol 02/08 09:03:21 Miss Kerry: god damm 02/08 09:03:29 brad: hey you 02/08 09:03:31 brad: lol 02/08 09:03:31 dlbizz: what us lol 02/08 09:03:35 dlbizz: up 02/08 09:03:46 brad: dave was coming huh? lol 02/08 09:03:49 brad: hahahhaah 02/08 09:03:52 Miss Kerry: yer 02/08 09:03:58 brad: Yup I felt that lol 02/08 09:04:15 Miss Kerry: was so into it i didnt even hear him come down lol 02/08 09:04:22 brad: hahahhha 02/08 0… Continue

Added by HLT on February 9, 2009 at 3:55pm — 8 Comments

Choshu My Story

I'm not sure how to start this blog post. It's the obligatory "this is my story" post. I could start it "once upon a time" but seeing how every story starts with this line it's over rated and done with as are "Once upon a time in a galaxy far far way". So I guess I'll start it sooner or later when I decide on how to start my story and after I think of a title for this blog post. :D. I've been an abductee and contactee for 10 yrs now. Maybe more maybe less 10 yrs is more of when I first became a… Continue

Added by Choshu on February 8, 2009 at 4:50pm — 3 Comments


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