Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

All Blog Posts (130)


Feburary 19th, 2009 'erv' has joined the chat. 'Darrylss' has joined the chat. 'ParadigmShift' has joined the chat. 'Syrus Magistus' has joined the chat. 'Apocolypstick' has joined the chat. 'Indigo Bliss' has joined the chat. 'david' has joined the chat. 'bubbles' has joined the chat. 'taoNoel' has joined the chat. 'Adam - AwakeningHumanity' has joined the chat. 'Starkid of Brightness' has joined the chat. 'Miss Kerry' has joined the chat. 'Moon Rider' has joined the chat. Starkid of Brightnes… Continue

Added by Aradia on February 24, 2009 at 10:31pm — 10 Comments

DeusEx Proposed rule to Tony and Indigo Bliss

I would like to propose a rule to really protect the SOE community. 1. Protect members from predators like the MotherGod/FatherGod cult 2. Protect members from pay for services of any kind (Yes, even if the first click is free) I've created a post on SOE to get this added: Continue

Added by DeusEx on February 24, 2009 at 6:00pm — 6 Comments

teddycool Message I was going to post on SoE

This is a message to Brad and was suppose to be posted on SoE to see. But I changed my mind because I didn't want to have alot of members on SoE reacting and and going crazy. I just don't want to start breaking relationships with people on SoE. So I decided to post my message here, so Brad can check it himself. Let's hope no one creates a new account on SoE and post this message there. Hey Brad, We all have something in common, which is the perpetual quest for truth and love and understanding.… Continue

Added by teddycool on February 24, 2009 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

DeusEx SOE elite member list (These are the ones that are going into business together)

Brad Johnson Clinton Doherty Betina Chelley Druanna Johnston Antonela Di Filipo I will update as needed. Removed from list: Indigo Bliss - I have removed Indigo's name as he has let it be known he has chosen not to provide work, even at no cost or time, for EoS. This would include Flash videos, DVDs, etc, that were brought to my attention before. I must say how glad this makes me feel as Indigo has shown time and time again to take the most proper care and attention to the needs of SOE member… Continue

Added by DeusEx on February 24, 2009 at 1:00pm — 8 Comments

Ben Message to SOE member Chelley

SOE member Chelley wrote the following on SOE: Hehe, I wrote the following 30 minutes ago, I say this because i know for a fact some will think I am being highly emotional ;o) But this story is true, and someone needs to say it, might as well be me! After deliberating what I wrote earlier, here it is. I will try to keep this short and sweet, in 1985 my Sister committed suicide due to a broken marriage, and a broken heart, she did it because she was totally devastated, and she lost everythiContinue

Added by Ben on February 24, 2009 at 11:30am — No Comments

iDom SOSOE Banner Project


Added by iDom on February 23, 2009 at 9:12am — 4 Comments

DeusEx Request: If you leave, do not delete your account

I understand that some of you want to leave this site because you do not like talking about Brad or whatever. You can keep your morality to yourself and there is no need to explain your leaving. However, deleting your account also deletes any posts and comments. You are destroying good discussions by doing so. Thank you. Continue

Added by DeusEx on February 22, 2009 at 1:50am — 5 Comments

teddycool Astralboi(Kerry's brother) questions and comments

As I was going on SoE to check something, I was just on chat to see what was going on and surprisingly a member name Astralboi said he was Kerry's brother and came to speak about his sister's break up with her husband and kids. It's a shame that people have suffer like this. Is this what it's going to take for us to open our eyes? How many more must suffer, before we realise something must be done? At 5:00pm on February 21, 2009, astraboi said… just a question brad, you know my sister, formally… Continue

Added by teddycool on February 21, 2009 at 7:30pm — 5 Comments

Ben Brad, Besimi and Miss Kerry

Things are getting crazier and crazier over at the SOE nuthouse. In spite of assistance from others, Besimi still fails to comprehend that it wasn't the banned ilikepiss (that would be me) but ilikepies who put up a comment on his blog Besimi seems to be blind for the sarcasm in the poster made by iDom and seems to think it ridicules ilikepies instead of SOE. Besimi also con… Continue

Added by Ben on February 20, 2009 at 5:30pm — 11 Comments

DeusEx A message to (SOE) Tony

Dear Tony, I truly hope you read this and take the necessary action. Once again Brad has gone around the rules that were created by you and agreed upon by all moderators and Brad himself. You may at first be inclined to believe that there was a loophole in your rules, but you and I both know that the loophole is Brad being the owner and administrator of the site. No matter what rules are in place, Brad will always violate them when he so chooses. Tony, you made the claim that if the new rules… Continue

Added by DeusEx on February 19, 2009 at 2:30pm — 8 Comments

Kool Aid Man Egypt


Added by Kool Aid Man on February 18, 2009 at 7:12pm — 3 Comments

Apocolypstick Psychic Reading from FaceBook!

I joined a group on facebook for a psychic to answer 3 questions for free. My Questions were: Will I discover my true calling this year? Am I making the right decisions for myself and my children? Will I receive the financial breakthroughs I'm looking for? Her Answer was: Dear Sarah, You have been waiting for something positive for quite awhile now. Your a logical thinker who wants some results, you have put in your time and now your ready for the changes. There is some money coming to you,,… Continue

Added by Apocolypstick on February 17, 2009 at 11:33pm — 5 Comments

iDom Life On Mars?

Channeling my higher selves, they revealed an extremely rare jewel to me, namely the original version of David Bowie's "Life On Mars". Astral rumor has it that in order not to cause the end days before schedule, RCA (an ancient Illuminati operating base) required David Bowie to rewrite the song, at the time. As we all know, Bowie was before his time and little did they know, at RCA, that he recorded a demo tape with the original version of the song… What we know as "Life On Mars?"Continue

Added by iDom on February 17, 2009 at 7:13pm — 4 Comments

Mischa Old post (Read before Brad deletes this)

A couple of days ago I commented on Clinton’s blog I said: Reply by Mischa on January 12, 2009 at 11:00am We are indeed being watched by dark forces. One of them is the coward iDom. He cancelled his membership and is now badmouthing us on his site. I can't believe the horrible comments there and I'd like it if this somehow could be stopped. I am sure it is not legal to record conversations:… Continue

Added by Mischa on February 17, 2009 at 3:11pm — 1 Comment


BJ Poem Once upon a time there was this silly BJ guy who found out a nicer trick while his wife had such a strife he got himslef an astral dick Along with many things he came and he did it with a chick who was also to blame 'cause she just wanted astral dick And i say to all of you, lads, who don't know how to come quick you just need to find a lass and an erected astral dick Nevermind if you have kids and if your wife is in despair cheat your wife up in t… Continue

Added by HLT on February 15, 2009 at 5:11pm — 1 Comment

Ben We now have a FOURTH SUN!!!!

Brad already gave us two extra suns and now, thanks to Nightfable, we know that Blossom Goodchild and Candace Frieze have given us a fourth!! Lightworkers are so excited that they've devoted three posts to this wonderful news (, and and are going nuts over it: i have sContinue

Added by Ben on February 15, 2009 at 11:00am — 4 Comments

Grab MyJohnson I made a mistake

I made a mistake with the last blog. I thought you guys would have gotten the joke. Please don't ban me. I won't do that again. I'll make a new blog post but hopefully it will be funny this time. lollol Continue

Added by Grab MyJohnson on February 14, 2009 at 9:17pm — 1 Comment

LeavingSOE A continuation of the attack on HR that was intended for me...

The attack on HR that was intended for me: Italicized blocks are my commentary and are not part of the chat itself. [...] 6:18pmBrad Johnson Perhaps there's something you can pass onto your boy SoSOE.... 6:18pmM S White Raven glad you joined us 6:18pmH.R. Pufnstuf I'm tired of being a 2d ning character, lets move to 3d :P 6:18pmBrad Johnson He's on the verge of getting a law suit big time. 6:18pmH.R. Pufnstuf What do you mean? 6:18pmM S White Raven ouch 6:18pmBrad J… Continue

Added by LeavingSOE on February 13, 2009 at 5:35pm — No Comments

iDom An Eschatological Laundry List by Sheldon B. Kopp

From 'If you Meet the Buddha on the Road, Kill Him" by Sheldon B. Kopp, Bantam Books. 1. This is it. 2. There are no hidden meanings. 3. You can't get there from here, and besides there is no place to go. 4. We are already dying, and we'll be dead a long time. 5. Nothing lasts! 6. There is no way of getting all you want. 7. You can't have anything unless you let go of it. 8. You only get to keep what you give away. 9. There is no particular reason why you lost out on some… Continue

Added by iDom on February 13, 2009 at 5:32pm — No Comments

Apocolypstick Planetary Origins Reading

Q. What is my Planetary Origin? A. Your planetary origin is Sirius. Q. What does that mean? A: Planetary origin is also known as the blue print of your soul. · In the beginning, God, or Prime Creator, created twelve unique and different energies. When you were “birthed” from Prime Creator, you were a part of one of these twelve energies. These twelve energy groups or group souls were eventually co-creators of the twelve primary planetary groups. Although much separation or energ… Continue

Added by Apocolypstick on February 13, 2009 at 5:17pm — No Comments


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